22 Maio 2021
18 Junho 2021
Sábado, Maio 22, 2021
4:00 pm
8:00 pm

“Sun, wind, flight, water, garden, fire, shells, structure, balance…Let go, follow, and trust. See limitations as an asset, not an obstacle. Follow gravity, look for a balance. Observe rather than analyze. On a journey, in the middle of something.”

Karin Johansson

The first line of the poem refers to the titles of each of the pieces in the group on show at Gallery Reverso and hints at the landscapes and weather that inspired their making. At the same time, the titles of the pieces also speak a more universal language, in order to invite a broader understanding and varying interpretations.

The title of the exhibition refers to working from this place of memory as well as the distant horizon lines of a landscape where her time is often spent. Even in the studio, keeping a little distance from the work, to observe it from a distance, and try and allow the work to evolve and breathe for itself, in an attempt to observe rather than analyse, which is another type of distance.

In the creative process of Karin Johansson gravity and balance are always central aspects in the work. With the long acrylic parts, she has been playing with the placement and composition to achieve directions and movement in the pieces. By making the holes in different places, you also achieve lines, energy and a more active approach.

All the pieces included in the exhibition are made from gold, acrylic, and colored aluminium. The series is a continuation from her earlier work with coloured materials. As always when working, a frame is set, kind of rules to work from. This time, among other things, three materials, and no soldering. By using fewer tools, she achieved more simple solutions to the work and in the long run, altogether a strong visual language.

The work on show at Reverso has been created and developed from 2018 until today.

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