Denise J. Reytan is a Berlin based jewellery designer and artist, who has been creating art jewellery for the last ten years, as well as installations and other art objects. Reytan´s work is an exploration in contrasts – between materials, values, colours and personal content.
In the beginning it was important for me to work with the material bubble wrap. I associate bubble wrap with protection and packaging. I wanted to protect my jewellery, just like you sometimes want to protect yourself, your thoughts and feelings. Then you wish you could put on a protective coat. So I came up with the idea of building a protective coat for my jewellery as well. So that it is protected and not everyone can see what you are wearing underneath. Because jewellery can of course be very private. I made this protective coat out of bubble wrap and decorated it by sewing on precious stones, coral beads, turquoise drops, acrylic dots and other beautiful materials, so that it is beautiful itself. So when you wear it, you can decide for yourself whether you want to open the protective cover or push it to the side or completely take it of. For the other pieces of jewellery (»protect the reveal III & IV & V«) I have knotted the protective coat from cables or ropes and it is possible to push it aside to reveal more of your jewellery. So it’s a game of protection and reveal for the wearer. I think it is maybe like everything in life — it is about being honest and brave, but also reserved and cautious. Everyone is perfect just the way they are. – Denise Reytan (2022) for Pop it or Pin it